How To Properly Prime Your Vape Coil

How To Properly Prime Your Vape Coil

When it comes to vaping, everyone wants a smooth, flavoursome experience—and why shouldn't you? However, a little prep work is required to achieve this, which will take your vaping game from good to excellent.

Of course, I'm talking about  coil priming.  But what is coil priming, and how does it work? Let's first look under a vape coil's hood to get the ball rolling.

What is a Vape Coil?

A vape coil is a small metal wire wrapped around wicking material. It heats e-liquid to produce vapour. 

Vape coils are the heart and soul of your device. Without them, you wouldn't be able to enjoy a relaxing vape at all! But what's in them? Well, a  vape coil  is composed of a few different components:

First is the coil holder, which holds the mesh heating wire and the organic cotton. The manufacturer wraps the cotton around the mesh heating wire, which works in tandem. When you saturate the cotton with e-liquid, the mesh heating wire heats and vaporises it.

Finally, the metal sleeve keeps all the rest of it contained. When put together, you get a coil that allows you to enjoy your favourite e-liquid flavours.

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What is Priming a Vape Coil?

Now that you know what makes up a coil, let's talk about priming. 

Priming is a method of preparing the coil for vaping. Think of it as stretching before going for a run. Without it, you risk injury or, in this case, your coil burning out and becoming unusable.

How to Prime Vape Coils

Now, you may think you can pop your e-liquid in and get straight to vaping, and while yes, you're technically correct, you also run the risk of shortening your coil's longevity. So let's show you how to avoid that.

Vape Tanks and Coils

For vape tanks , first prepare your tank, coil, and e-liquid. Then, drip a little bit of e-liquid onto the cotton wick of the coil. Next, place the coil inside the tank and fill it with e-liquid. Finally, wait 5-10 minutes for the e-liquid to thoroughly saturate the wicking material properly before firing the device. 

Once ready, take a few gentle puffs on a low-power setting to help the e-liquid feed properly into the coil. Then, you can return your settings to your preference and vape away! Doing this helps preserve the coil as best as possible, extending its lifespan.

Pod Kits & Coils

Priming a pod kit   is far easier than priming a tank. The pod has a built-in coil, so all you have to do is fill it with e-liquid and let it sit for 5-10 minutes to allow the e-liquid to saturate the coil. Then, you can vape to your heart's content without fear of a nasty burnt taste.

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How Long Should You Prime a Vape Coil For?

We recommend leaving your vape coil to prime for at least 5 minutes. The longer you leave the coil to prime, the better, but it should be ready to go after 5-10 minutes. When priming, it's essential to consider the VG and PG levels of your e-liquid. Higher PG e-liquids will take less time since they're thinner, whereas high VG e-liquids will take longer due to their thickness, so plan your priming times accordingly.

How Often Should You Replace a Coil?

Many factors can contribute to when you should change your coil. From the type of vape juice you use, how much you vape, the settings you use and the type of coil you're using. As a rule of thumb, coils tend to last between 1 and 2 weeks, but as mentioned, this can vary based on several factors. Regularly cleaning your device, properly priming your coils and not vaping while the tank or pod are empty are some of the best ways to extend your coil longevity.

But if the flavour is weak or you're getting a nasty burnt taste when inhaling, it's time to pop in a fresh coil.

The Importance of Vape Coil Priming

Priming your coil is essential for several reasons, so let's examine why it's such a good idea.

The Perfect Output

Priming your vape coil is like stretching before working out—it ensures everything goes smoothly and you get the most out of it. Not only does it help provide the best possible flavour from your e-liquids by vaporising them smoothly, but it also promotes the maximum amount of vapour produced with each puff without any burnt undertones.

Vape Coil Lifespan

If you're serious about switching to vaping, either as a hobby or to help you stop smoking, then priming your vape coil is paramount. Yes, it provides immediate enjoyment, but it also protects your investment - no one wants to waste money by prematurely burning out their coils! 

A primed vape coil has a boosted life expectancy and can last 1-2 weeks with maximum freshness. Not priming your vape coil reduces lifespan and will cost you more in the long run.

Avoiding Early Vape Coil Failure

Dry hits are the ultimate disaster when it comes to coils. An un-primed  vape coil  is far more likely to provide a dry hit—a rough, burnt sensation when you haven't saturated the wick with e-liquid. This can singe the fibres in the vape coil, and once that happens, it's all over for the coil—there's no saving it.

Priming is more than just ensuring you get a good vape; it's insurance you can put in place to extend the longevity of your vape coil and reduce costs.

Keeping Your Vape Coil Performing At It's Best

It's essential to take care of your  vape coil  to keep it in the best condition possible for as long as possible. Here are a few things to watch out for.

New Coils

As mentioned above, priming a new  vape coil, be it rebuildable or built-in, first and ensuring the wick is fully saturated is paramount. 

Another little tip is that when you refill the tank or pod later on, leave it to sit for a few minutes before vaping. This will also help enhance coil longevity and maximise the taste of your e-liquid. 


Coils have different resistances, and it's essential to take these into account when vaping. Vapes come in either a high-powered or a low-powered version. Ensure you're sticking to the recommended wattage for your vape coil to get the optimal performance out of it—too much power can burn out the vape coil, while too little can deliver a weak, unimpressive flavour. 


Picking the correct e-liquid for your coil is just as important as the above advice. E-liquids come in different VG/PG levels, affecting their vaporisation. High-VG e-liquids, like a 70VG/30VG   ratio, tend to be thicker and are better in high-powered devices that use sub-ohm   coils as they take more power to vaporise, while lower-VG e-liquids, like a 50VG/50PG   ratio, take less to vaporise in low-powered devices like pod kits.

In conclusion

While the vape coil may seem like a small part of the entire device, it is crucial in enhancing your vaping experience. We genuinely appreciate your commitment to maintaining your equipment.

We understand that questions about vape coil priming can arise, and we're here to help. Please feel free to connect with us through our live chat on our website, call us at 01246 260010, or visit the 'Contact Us' section. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we're here to support you!

Coil Priming FAQs: 

How to correctly prime a vape coil?

If you're using a tank, apply a few drops of e-liquid to the coil-wicking material to saturate it. Then, insert the device into the tank, attach it to your device, and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Finally, fill the tank with e-liquid, and you're ready.

If you're using a pod, it's much more straightforward. Simply fill the pod with vape juice, let it sit for 5-10 minutes, attach it to the device, and you're off!

How long should I let my vape coil prime?

The longer, the better, but 5-10 minutes is perfect for getting your new coil vape ready.

Do vape coils need to be primed?

Yes! Priming a coil not only makes your vape much more satisfying but can also extend the coil's lifespan. Think of it as going for a run. The more you warm up, the more risk-free your run will be. It's the same with priming! Priming properly ensures a satisfying vape and no wasted money.

What happens if you don't prime a coil?

Not priming a vape coil can lead to disastrous consequences, such as a horrible burnt taste when vaping or the dreaded dry hit. A dry hit breaks the coil - there's no way back once it tastes burnt.

How do you properly break in a new vape coil?

Priming is essential to breaking in a new vape coil. However, once you prime the coil, take a few small test draws to get things moving and the coil warmed up. Then you'll be good to go!

How to prime a vape cartridge?

Vape cartridges are a bit different to vape coils. To prime one, with the cart unattached from the battery, inhale 5-8 times through the mouthpiece to allow air to circulate through the chamber. There should be no vapour at this point. Next, quickly rub the cartridge between your pals to loosen the oil inside. Repeat this process as often as necessary until all the oil has seeped from the chamber above.

Sam wareing picture

Sam Wareing

Sam, the lead content writer at Ecigone, has spent the past five years crafting content across various industries. As an avid vaper and a dedicated nicotine pouch user, he is passionate about thoroughly researching and using the products he writes about. Sam is a strong advocate for helping people transition from smoking to vaping.

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